Part 1: Using Astrology to Lead During the Great Awakening with Milada Sakic

Soul Journeys • Aug 14, 2020


Milada Sakic (financial and business astrologer, healer, and teacher) is known for her inspiring astrology writing and intuitive coaching about the ongoing planetary shifts and cosmic cycles.  In her private and group coaching programs, Milada helps healers and creative visionaries to be clear, consistent, and relevant in their marketing and emerge as a leading voice in their niche.


  • How Milada found her way into astrology.
  • How the Bosnia/Croatia war impacted her.
  • What’s going on in the global astrology chart. 
  • The buildup of the energy with the Australian fires. 
  • How the energy of fear keeps coming up.
  • How do we lead during these times?
  • Why we’ll be under this energy until 2023. 
  • “This is a time to speak our truth and wholeness rather than trauma.”
  • How to create space to heal during this time. 
  • How to discern with the correct information of history. 
  • “It’s our responsibility to decolonize information right now.”
  • The importance of leading ourselves first. 
  • How we can be resilient to mind control.
  • “If we really want to expose the issues of the system, we’re going to have to go deeper and remember we will be guided.”
  • “All of our systems are being dismantled to be in alignment with the new paradigm.”

You can connect and follow her astro updates on Facebook at   and visit her website at for more information.

By Conscious Commerce 21 Dec, 2022
In this Round table discussion, I’m joined by 4 brilliant and amazing Lightwarriors, Robyn McKay, Rachel Hardy, Christina Rice, and Baljit Rayat, who share their own experiences with the Great Unveiling, along with tools and insight that every soul purpose entrepreneur needs to hear. What’s the overarching energy from the stars for 2023? How do we surrender into the highest expression of what we want to happen here? The reality split is going to become more and more obvious. Alien Disclosures. What are the practical things we can do as humans to navigate this? What’s going to happen to the world in the future? The homeopathic remedy to enhance dopamine. What are we going to see in relationships and family dynamics? What opportunities are available to us on a personal level to be in relationship with money differently than how we have in the past? How do you create space for your spiritual mastery? What does it look like to be part of something that is bigger than yourself? Connect with Baljit: Unlock Your Sacral Power Energy Activation - Connect with Robyn: Free Gift: The Actualization Accelerator: Connect with Christina: Free Gift: 30 lessons to 5D Free Ascension Challenge - Connect with Rachel: Your North Node: Understanding Your Soul’s Mission -
By Conscious Commerce 21 Dec, 2022
In this Round table discussion, I’m joined by 3 brilliant and amazing Lightwarriors, Alyse Bacine, Amy Belair, and Andrea Donnelly, who share their own experiences with the Great Unveiling, along with tools and insight that every soul purpose entrepreneur needs to hear.  Today, we're going to be chatting about what's happening on the collective stage, what's happening on the ascension front, and day to day living as a human right now and what might be coming up in your body, etc. This year is really about making your own music. We’re moving into the real deal, and it’s going to be like we’ve been in a boot camp. The body is a docking station for our consciousness. It’s like a spaceship. The power of quantum healing and how it will serve as a blueprint for the future. What’s happening in the world of health care. The gift of the world stage is that we are trauma bonded with the world. What do you believe? Where are you planting your flag? What’s going to happen in 2023? It’s not an easy journey, and it requires so much support. How to help people get out of the cycle of trauma and unconsciousness. What do you see coming on the world stage? Food shortages are a total “psyop”. Downloads for 2023: Helping people recover from mind control. What is possible now versus what was even possible a few years ago? What’s going to happen to the health care system? We have to be willing to hold multiple perspectives and be aware of what’s going on on the world stage. The fashion industry is a clown show. Connect with Alyse Bacine: Free Guided Breathwork Session: Connect with Amy Belair: Free Root Chakra Meditation: Connect with Andrea Donnelly: Free Money, Magic + Miracles Activation Bundle: Connect with Jennifer Longmore:
By Soul Journeys 18 Jan, 2022
Indigenous Healing with Asha Frost Asha Frost (she/her), is an Indigenous Medicine Healer, Author and Mentor. She is a member of the Chippewas of Nawash First Nation. Asha has served thousands of people for the past two decades in her work as a healer, homeopath and visionary and has studied with many, Medicine People, Elders, and Guides. Impacted by intergenerational trauma, colonization, and oppression, Asha has journeyed to reclaim and remember her roots and medicine teachings. She guides folks to find their own gifts, reclaim their roots and spirit connection. Through this work, she loves seeing people find their own healing wisdom and rise into their power. Her upcoming book and oracle deck will be published in 2022 and 2023. Learn more: Show notes: Asha’s background with being diagnosed with Lupus as a teenager. Asha’s thoughts on how to dismantle the intergenerational trauma. How did we get here where we can be so dismissive of indigenous people? “Canada is a very racist country. People think the country is so nice, but it’s extremely racist.” Why it’s important to look at our own biases every single day. It’s interesting that the groups of people that hold the greatest amount of medicinal healing are those that are targeted. How to build safety again in our systems and going back to basics. How do we uncover our medicine and use it? Go back to the childhood energy where you felt good and free. Asha’s offerings to help people find their medicine. Learn more: Instagram: Order Asha’s book:
By Soul Journeys 06 Dec, 2021
Spiritual Mastery Opportunities for 2022 There’s a lot of opportunity for spiritual mastery—this is our focus right now. You may be nodding along that a lot of this is coming true for you as you listen to this episode. We’re being called to do what we came here for—clear contracts, grow our wisdom and share it with others. Here is a list of several things that I’m seeing as a beautiful opportunity for spiritual mastery in the coming year. A deeper understanding of the meaning of life. What are we really here for / and what are we not here for? Is it really depression or are we reevaluating our life? The Universal law of free will. Releasing patterns of trauma bonding. Our relationship with time / calibrating to divine time. You’ll be noticing things that you want to emancipate yourself from—higher education, the medical model, time, etc. You’ll be asking: how do we nourish a crystalline mind, body and heart? A deeper mastery with being fully expressed without apology. If you’re looking to master your spiritual growth in 2022, apply here via email:
By Soul Journeys 30 Nov, 2021
Listen in as Jennifer downloads her predictions from 2022 from the Akashic Records. Please note that this episode can be a bit activating as Jennifer only aligns with the stream of consciousness and truth, which can sometimes be uncomfortable for us to hear. Unity consciousness is going to be a big energy next year. The deal with Meta. Deepak Chopra is a controlled puppet. Increase talk on space, climate change, environmental disasters, transhumanism. Remember - their goal is to make this a one world religion; satanic / luciferian. How we can become the show and stop enjoying their show. Harmony will be a big theme for next year. It’ll be a perfect time to calibrate new energy with any relationships that you have disharmony with. Controllers will continue to create disharmony though. Gas prices will continue to increase so they can hype up electric cars. Climate emergency/flooding that was created in British Columbia. The controllers will create environmental disasters on a scale that we’re not used to. Be prepared—have water, food, etc ready. If you get the nudge to move, make sure you listen. There will be a greater push around medical procedures. Fear tactic of small pox - releasing into the news cycle. We as lightworkers have an incredible opportunity to transfer and transmute energy. Increase in artificial intelligence / virtual reality. The significance of 22 (2022). Next year, you’ll really want to be an impeccable steward with your consciousness. Be very intentional. There will be a focus on mastering the meaning of life. How to give meaning to this new life / reality. Interested in learning more about the Akashic Records Mastery? Application only. Inquire here:
By Soul Journeys 13 Oct, 2021
Danielle Rama Hoffman is a 3x best-selling author, international channel, and legacy-work coach to thousands around the world. She is the co-creator (with her business partner and guide Thoth) of the Multi-D Abundance Method™️, Divine Light Activation, and the Ascended Master Academy, where her specialty is leading coaches, healers, mentors, and spiritual teachers to embody their Divine self and create their UNIQUE legacy body of work (book, program, irresistible content) with Source to add $100k+ to their bottom line anytime they choose. This episode is a special channeling from the Council of Light where we seek to have the following answered: - What the guides are saying we should focus on. - What does unity consciousness mean? - What is our relationship with time, money and governance going to be in the future? - How do we use time to calibrate our missions? - How do we trust that the Universal principles are at play?
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